Price & Booking
If you are interested in booking studio, need more information or just want to talk, please contact us directly:
Łukasz: +48 605-421-045
(Polish, and international booking)
1-3 day session : 2000 PLN net/day
(approx.: 500 €/day)
4-5 days session : 1800 PLN net/day
(approx.: 450 €/day)
Long term bookings: 1600 PLN net/day
(approx.: 400 €/day)
Live Video Session: 2500 PLN net/day
(approx.: 600 €/day)
Sessions are released only in ProTools (ptx) format. Preparation (render to wave) of tracks for import in another DAW (Logic, CUBASE, Reaper etc.)
250 PLN / h
Price include technician/engineer and all gear at studio.
The duration of the session is about 10h.
Obligatory coverage of the cost of materials
(strings, drum heads, etc.)
Price do not include tuning grand piano or upright piano.